Donate online
Easy and secure.
How it works:
- Click the Donate button to make a donation online through Paypal.
- You can use any credit card, bank card, or pull funds from your Paypal account.
- A PayPal account is NOT required for a donation. But you may choose to create a free account if you would like.
- If you already have a Paypal account, click the “Log in” button.
- If you don’t have (or don’t want) a PayPal account, simply fill in your information in the “Donate with a debit or credit card” section.
- During the checkout you can specify if there is a special cause you would like your donation to go towards. For example:
- Special offerings of the church
- hunger relief
- The Crypt
- historical preservation
- ministries
- education
- musical program
- community outreach
- facilities
- etc.
- Check the box for “Recurring” if you would like to setup a monthly donation.
- Your donations are tax deductible! Save your Paypal receipt for tax purposes or contact us if you want us to send you a confirmation.
- Thank you!